
Showing posts from January, 2009

Windows 7 Beta

I am still jobless, still looking for something. In the meantime, I've been focusing on school, and geeking out with Windows 7. So as the computer geek that I am, I downloaded and installed Windows 7 Beta onto my desktop and laptop. I created separate partitions for both, as I didn't want to lose my installations (however, I did attempt an unwise "upgrade" to my laptop's installation of Vista, which corrupted both 7 and Vista). After getting my laptop fixed, I have been using Windows 7 as my OS of choice. Windows Vista has gotten a mostly bad rap, but it is a step backwards from XP. Windows 7 is what Vista should have been. While there is no software readily available for Windows 7 usage, I haven't had any problems yet. Installing the software for Vista has worked just fine with Windows 7 (probably because the base code is the same). Anyway, if you want to truly get your geek on, I would recommend checking this out. You have until February 10 th to download a

Zombie Strippers!

As of yesterday, January 7 th , 2009, I no longer work for JCPenney. Though mostly of my own choosing thanks to general laziness, depression and job dissatisfaction, I will definitely miss my fellow employees. They made the job bearable when the work itself sucked the soul piece-by-piece from my body. And speaking of soulless bodies … I finally watched "Zombie Strippers", and it was totally awesome. One of those odd horror comedies which come out of nowhere for no particular reason, like "Black Sheep" or "Dead Alive!". Jenna Jameson, one of the most famous porn stars around, is surprisingly not terrible, and pulls out all the punches by going over-the-top zany zombie. Imagine the sight of Jameson's rotting flesh as she spins around on a stripper pole, and you sort of get the idea what this movie is trying to go for. Her first strip as a zombie is classic. If you are into horror comedies, check this one out.