Halloween 2008

Halloween is such a distressing time of year, mostly because I don't plan ahead very well. Halloween just shows up suddenly, even though I'm aware of what time it is. I usually want to dress up in costume, but cost usually keeps me from going all-out. This year, I spend about ten minutes on October 31st actually getting ready. I went as a boy scout, taking my nephew's scouting uniform which surprisingly fit quite well. After my plans to go see "Rocky Horror" at the Tower Theater fell through, I decided to hit TryAngles or the new Club Jam. But my mind was made up for me when Rey sent me a text telling me that he was at TryAngles. I wanted to see his take on the Joker, complete with nurse outfit. And it was very funny, mostly due to the extremely short length of the nurse costume. He was showing quite a lot of leg, but at least he has nice gams to pull it off.

There were costumes everywhere, from a couple other Jokers to many drag queens (Divine!) to many superheroes. My cheap boy scout costume was sort of embarrassing compared to the work these people put into theirs. One of my friends was dressed as Wonder Woman, and it was frighteningly authentic. Delaney was there as Mr. Fantastic—accompanied by the Invisible Woman, but she remained invisible throughout the night. Come to think of it, I never actually saw her the whole night. Now I'm beginning to suspect Delaney's assertion that she was even there.

And then there was Batman. I'm a rather huge fan of Batman, so I'm particularly hard on anyone who tries to pull off a Batman costume. Under the cowl, his name was Marcello. He was full-hilt Batman, with a full-body cape, armor, utility belt, black eye makeup, gloves and boots. It was an extremely well-done costume, and I was enamored with him. So much so that by the end of the night, I had made out with him. Hey, I am not going to miss out on the chance to say I made out with Batman!

Friday night was one of the best, most enjoyable evenings I have had in a long time. It was fun, I met a few new people, and did I mention that I made out with Batman? Well, Saturday was less crazy, but I went on a sorta date with Delaney. I asked him for coffee to help him recover from a hangover, so we met up at the Coffee Garden. Ran into an old friend from high school, Alex Martinez, and just talked with Delaney for a few hours. We went to Smith's nearby to grab some Chinese food and ate on the lawn in front of Cahoot's. We then parted ways, and I went to go get ready for the club. It was Ken's birthday celebration, and he wanted to hit Babylon.

Babylon was fun, although Marcello showed up as Robin, which was a bit more disappointing. And then he proceeded to occupy my time the entire night, which was a bit annoying. I would have liked to get out on the dance floor and work up a sweat, but Marcello was not about to leave me alone to do this. I also felt like I abandoned Ken for most of the night, which I regret doing. It was his birthday, and I should not have just ditched him. He had an altercation with a guy that he did not want to see, and if I had stayed with him, it may not have occurred. I'm an ass.


  1. By "distressing" you mean BEST MONTH OF THE ENTIRE YEAR AND HOLIDAY EVER!?


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