
Showing posts from March, 2009

Watchmen: The Blue Man Group

Saw Zack Snyder's new film Watchmen tonight with a bunch of friends. I should mention first that I have not read the graphic novel which this was based on. With that being said… Watchmen was damn good! It doesn't approach the greatness of V for Vendetta , but it is nowhere near League of Extraordinary Gentlemen bad. The biggest problems with the movie are hard to pinpoint, since it is difficult to say why it doesn't feel as great as it should have been. The use of music was often very over-the-top, and the plot seemed to meander quite a bit. Also, it runs nearly 3 hours long – this didn't bother me much aside from the three or four different endings (the last of which is almost completely pointless). And if you are easily distracted by male nudity (and I am – hey, I enjoy looking, so sue me!), Dr. Manhattan doesn't have any shyness about walking around completely nude most of the time. Talk about blue balls! But damn if it isn't a pretty spectacular movie. A h...

“Know What I Mean?”

There is a person I know who has the rather obnoxious habit of saying variations of, "Know what I mean?" Sometimes it comes out, "See what I'm saying?" This is related to the unfortunate speaking style many of us Americans have adopted lately – and I fall victim to this frequently myself – where our punctuation becomes verbally expressed with various "ums" and "uhs", "you knows" and "likes". Hell, even our new President, when not reading from Teleprompters, starts sounding like a verbal machine gun. As for my new job, I am still trying to get a feel for this place. It's far different from the corporate world of JCPenney, which was very much of the nameless/faceless megacorps where you can essentially disappear and work on your own without being noticed for the most part. This is good and bad, since it's good to hide the things you don't want noticed, but bad when you want recognition for the good things you do....